Sunday, August 31, 2008

right brain left brain

at church this morning, the sermon was based heavily on this ted talk

it made me think how one of my motivations for starting this blog was to capture those things in life that had inspired me, and i guess i had been having the urge to get them all written down before i forgot them. the sermon reassured me that most things that have inspired me will come around again, so i don't need to worry about recording the mountain of experiences in the past, but rather can focus on the present.

the topic of the sermon was the spirituality of the right and left brain. to me it echoed the title i chose for my blog - the left side, organized, making goals for the future and full of worry, the right side, full of amazement, interconnectedness, gratitude.

the speaker described how music allowed him to focus on thinking with his right brain; his description reminded me of my own thoughts while dancing. for sure there will be more on dancing later


so I run into a cool set of physics tricks that I would love to try with my kid in the future

Saturday, August 30, 2008

varied interests

i have so many thoughts of things to include in this blog, the first post will be a brain dump, and then hopefully as i dig into each of these topics, it will become a place to record my findings

topics may or may not include:
financial tools, socially responsible investing
architecture record exam
history of popular and swing music
sign language
zen buddhism
interesting videos of many sorts
weight loss
things that make me smile
lindy hop and swing dance
ubuntu and LaTeX
various wiki and google misadventures

i will update this list as needed, but for now i will get back to  those things i needed to do in the real world.