Sunday, November 23, 2008

my holiday

the thought crossed my mind a few days ago, that this holiday coming up is not just a hassle of family get-togethers and trying to call it a vacation from work. it is the holiday of this blog, my holiday, a day to give thanks and well up as much gratitude as i can. i was feeling a bit low on that a week or two ago, so it feels good to have it coming back.

i am thankful for my husband, who not only supports my rearrangement of the house, but adds more ideas to it so that it will work even better. i am thankful for my sister who, in going through her own discouraging time at work, reminds me that i am not the only one who feels how i do about my job. and that is just today.

i was shaken the other day, when my husband described the past few months as the happiest time in his life. i was shaken because i could not say the same for myself. i could not muster up enough gratitude for what i currently have to be completely happy. i got to thinking of what the happiest time in my life would be, and what was the worst. instead i slowly realized that i always seem to have very happy and sad times no matter what my situation. and i guess that's pretty good. for now, i will be thankful for that.

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